STRAY KIDS x SKZOO - 4th Fanmeeting Merchandise (Skzoo's Magic School) SECRET SOFT KEYRING - Pre-Order


STRAY KIDS x SKZOO - 4th Fanmeeting Merchandise (Skzoo's Magic School) SECRET SOFT KEYRING

Bestellungen, die ein Pre-Order-Produkt enthalten, werden erst nach Eingang dieses Artikels versendet.

If your order contains a pre-order product, all items will be shipped as soon as the pre-order product arrives.


  • 1 random Keyring (out of 16 types, 2ea per Character)

If you pay over 40€ you get 2 Pre-Order (random) Photocards. Over 80€ 4 Pre-Order Photocards etc. (This only applies if you spend a total of 40€/80€/… for the new STRAY KIDS x SKZOO MD!)

Versand in Deutschland startet / Shipping in Germany starts: mid-end july